Are you travelling by bus in one zone?
Send BUSS (adult ticket), BARN (child ticket) or HONNØR (senior) to 2002 and you will be charged for a single ticket in one zone.
You can use small or capital letters.
Are you travelling further by bus?
Send code word BUSS and the amount you need to pay to 2022. Remember the gap between BUSS and the amount.
Example of text message to 2002: BUSS 88
Use our fare calculator to find out how much the bus ticket costs.
Are you travelling further by express boat?
Send code word BÅT and the amount you need to pay to 2022. Remember the gap between BÅT and the amount.
Example of text message to 2002: BÅT 210
Does it cost extra to buy an SMS ticket?
No, there are no additional fees. You only pay for the ticket. The SMS ticket is charged to your mobile phone account.
How long is the SMS ticket valid for?
If you buy an SMS ticket, the validity period starts immediately and lasts for 90 minutes, or for the length of the journey within the zone in which you are travelling. The ticket must be valid when you go on board.
Are you paying for one or more tickets?
You can only buy one ticket per SMS. If you want to buy more than one ticket, you must repeat the process.
Don’t know how much the ticket costs?
If you don’t know how much your journey costs, please ask the driver or crew or find more information on our website.
Mobile content services
To be able to buy tickets via SMS, your mobile phone subscription must support content services. If you don’t have this option, please contact your mobile service provider. Please note that Svipper is unable to assist you with this.