How are our fares determined? Here you will find information about our categories and zones. CategoriesWe have four fare categories. Children under six always travel free when accompanied by an adult. Categories Categories Age Child age 6-17 Young adult age 18-29 Adult age 30-66 Senior/military Age 67+, senior ID or military ZonesBus fares are calculated based on how many zones you travel though.A fare zone for bus travel is a geographical area that defines how far you can travel before the fare increases.Our zones are based on municipal boundaries, but there may be supplementary zones and several municipalities may also be in the same zone.As the size of the zones may vary, the length of the journey in kilometres does not necessarily affect how much you pay.If the entire journey is within one zone, you pay for one zone.You must add one zone every time you cross a zone boundary.Did you know that?A journey from Tromsø to Harstad is six zones, but a journey from Narvik to Harstad is three zones.When you transfer to another bus in our route network, you only pay for the total number of zones you travel through.Rebbenesøy is included in the Karlsøy and Lyngen zone. Travellers from Rebbenesøy pay the same fare to Ringvassøy and Tromsø.If you buy a ticket on your phone, you must buy a ticket for the entire journey on the first bus, even if you are changing buses. This way you get a discount for transferring to another bus.See our zone map for Troms County here. Soneoversikt Number Zone Area 1 54010 Tromsø 2 54020 Harstad and Kvæfjord 3 54025 Astafjord (Tjeldsund, Ibestad, Gratangen, Lavangen, Salangen, Dyrøy) 4 54028 Bardu 5 54029 Målselv 6 54030 Senja and Sørreisa 7 54040 Balsfjord 8 54045 Storfjord and Kåfjord 9 54046 Karlsøy and Lyngen 10 54047 Nordreisa and Skjervøy 11 54048 Kvænangen Published 04.07.2024 18.35 Updated 23.09.2024 10.51