Travel guarantee express boat

Here you will find information about your rights and travel guarantee for all our express boats.

Travel guarantee express boat

 Our guarantee

We promise to do our utmost to ensure you arrive on time. In the event of delays or cancellations, we will:

  • inform you about the delay or cancellation no later than 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, and give you information about alternative connections
  • give the information in a simple and understandable way

Ticket refunds and new itinerary

In the event of a cancelled departure or delay of more than 90 minutes, you can choose between:

  • refund of your ticket within seven days, or
  • new itinerary at the same fare and on the same contract terms

If we cannot offer a new itinerary, you can choose alternative transport and we will cover some of the costs.

Compensation for delayed arrival

You can claim compensation for delays of

  • at least one hour for journeys under four hours – a refund of 25% of the fare
  • at least two hours for journeys under over hours – a refund of 25% of the fare
  • more than double than what is stated above – a refund of 50% of the fare

Compensation is also given for period tickets if you have been delayed more than three times in a month. Compensation under NOK 50 will not be paid.

Coverage of costs for alternative transport

If we cannot offer you a new itinerary, we will cover costs for alternative transport if you are delayed by:

  • 30 minutes on journeys under one hour: reimbursed up to NOK 750
  • 60 minutes on journeys between one and three hours: reimbursed up to NOK 1,000
  • 90 minutes on journeys over three hours: reimbursed up to NOK 1,500

Driving a private car or boat will be covered in accordance with the State’s current rates.

Exceptions from the guarantee

The guarantee does not apply if

  • the delay has been announced in advance
  • the delay may be attributed to weather conditions, accidents, strikes, public injunctions or pandemics
  • there is under 30 minutes until the next departure

The travel guarantee does not cover consequential damages, such as missing an appointment.

Claims for reimbursement

  • Submit your claim as soon as possible and no later than two months after the incident occurred.
  • Attach any receipts for alternative transport.
  • We will respond as quickly as possible and within one month.

Apply for travel guarantee