Opening hours and addressesHere you will find information about how to find us, our opening hours for both phone, contact centre and sales outlets in Tromøs, Harstad and Finnsnes.Opening hours and addresses Opening hours for phone enquiries Opening hours for phone enquiriesTimetable information, phone: 177 Monday - Friday: 07:00 – 21:00 (7am – 9pm)Weekends: 09:00 – 21:00 (9am – 9pm)Other enquiries, phone: +47 77788777Monday - Friday: 08:00 – 15:45 (8am – 3.45pm)Weekends: closed Opening hours and map of contact centre and sales outlets in Tromsø Svipper Contact Centre TromsøMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10:00 – 14:00 (10am – 2pm)Wednesday: ClosedYou will find us on level 2 of the port terminal at Prostneset in Tromsø (Samuel Arnesens gate 5, 9008 Tromsø)Visit Tromsø, Port Terminal and Visit Tromsø, Storgata Opening hours for Visit TromsøVisit Tromsø Port Terminal on Google maps.Visit Tromsø Storgata on Google maps.Narvesen Nerstranda Narvesen Nerstranda and opening hours on Google maps.Narvesen K1Narvesen K1 and opening hours on Google maps.Jekta shopping centre – information counter Jekta Storsenter and opening hours on Google maps.Narvesen UNN Narvesen UNN and opening hours on Google maps.Mix Uit Mix UiT and opening hours on Google maps.Narvesen Kroken Narvesen Kroken and opening hours on Google maps.Ticket vending machinesView an overview of all ticket vending machines. Opening hours and map of our contact centre in Harstad Opening hours and map of our contact centre in HarstadHarstad Contact CentreMonday - Friday: 10:00 – 15.00 (10am – 3pm)Weekends: closedYou will find us at the Port Terminal, Harstad (Richard Kaarbøsgate 2) Opening hours and map of our contact centre in Finnsnes Opening hours and map of our contact centre in FinnsnesThe terminal café at the express boat quayMonday - Wednesday: 06:30 – 18:30 (6.30am – 6.30pm)Thursday _ Friday: 06:30 – 22:00 (6.30am – 10pm)Saturday: 08:30 – 17:00 (8.30am – 5pm)Sunday: 16:30 – 21:45 (4.30pm – 9.45pm)The terminal café on Google maps. Published 07.07.2024 13.28 Updated 17.09.2024 09.26